Cross Walk is a project about The Bible started in April 2023 that contains comics and resources. The goal of this project is to share God's Word and help you grow closer to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! The comics have light-hearted jokes and the resources page is constantly growing with material. God's Word is the primary focus, while the illustrations and commentary are secondary. Praise God and enjoy!

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Year in Review: 2023

Year in Review 2023 Cross Walk Bible Comic

As 2023 comes to a close, I'm thankful for the artwork I was able to create this year and the birth of this project that I started in April. All the glory goes to God for my artistic gifts, ideas, creativity and guidance as I produce work for the Cross Walk Comic! It's been a great year and I'm eager to see what 2024 brings! I pray everyone finishes 2023 strong and has a blessed 2024!

2023 Comics / Illustrations:

  1. The Closet Of Eden
  2. How To Take Down The Walls Of Jericho
  3. HeBrews Coffee Bar
  4. Noah's Ark Auditions
  5. The Coat Of Not So Many Colors
  6. Jonah's Prepared Fish
  7. The Convenient Rapture
  8. Saul And The Witch Of Endor Part 1
  9. My Shooting Star Testimony

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