Cross Walk is a project about The Bible started in April 2023 that contains comics and resources. The goal of this project is to share God's Word and help you grow closer to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! The comics have light-hearted jokes and the resources page is constantly growing with material. God's Word is the primary focus, while the illustrations and commentary are secondary. Praise God and enjoy!

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Hi, I'm Justin and thanks for stopping by! I give God the credit for this project. He gave me the vision, creativity and gifts to produce it. All the glory to the King: Jesus, Praise God!

As a born again, spirit-filled believer who loves the Lord, I've been led to use my creative gifts to help further the Kingdom of God. I'm doing my best to understand God's Word (The Bible) and present it in a helpful manner. I hope this project gets people interested in and/or helps them grow closer to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Cross Walk is a project about The Bible that was started in April of 2023. My primary focus is drawing and creating various content with that skill such as comics, illustrations and videos. I'm also working on my first independent comic book! So stay tuned!

If you're looking for helpful Bible related tools I have The Resources Hub where you'll find The Bible App, a Bible Verse Generator, My Testimony and more!

Life is a journey taken one step at a time and I can't wait to see where God leads me with this project!


Romans 12:10 KJV Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;

I'm happy to hear from you if you'd like to reach out! Please be respectful when sending your message.

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